i am not really one for reality shows. Or at least that’s what i used to think in the genre’s infancy. I still don’t watch American Idol, So you think you can [insert verb here], or, for chrissake, Shear Genius, the show about… haircutters?! But I find myself intrigued by men fishing for crab in Alaska.
However, cooking “reality” is my weakness. I faithfully watched Next Food Network Star (how’s that working out for you, gay winners from season 1?), Hell’s Kitchen (with less fervor this year than in seasons past), and the granddaddy, Top Chef. HK this season really suffers, and I’m not sure if it’s because the “chefs” are just the suck this year (holy crap, that Matt guy looked like he was going to cry in every episode), or if they changed the show enough to just focus on Gordon Ramsay yelling about stupid shit. Top Chef is my favorite, probably because the “cheftestants” can actually cook. I was completely sucked in this year. It didn’t help that the eventual winner, Stephanie, is a little freakin’ hottie. Unfortunately, she’s not yet approved my Facebook friend request.