Dear Facebook Users: Comment here!

In our increasingly connected world, blog posts are often automatically tweeted and sent out as a Facebook status update (and if they’re not, you’re probably doing something wrong). This is an easy way to increase traffic, and hopefully get some credibility-enhancing comments.Facebook users will often comment about your blog on your status in Facebook, instead of directly on your blog. The problem with this, dear Facebook friends (and for me at least, all of them are actual friends) is that the ‘book has over half a billion users, where most of your friends’ blogs are lucky to get 10 comments on their best day.

Photo by Ed Marsh
Comments, comments everywhere. Just don't leave 'em on Facebook! (Photo © Ed Marsh)

So, a simple request, Facebook folks: if you like a blog, or feel the need to post a comment, comment directly on the blog site, instead of on Facebook. This way, your friend/colleague/blogger gets credit for the comment, instead of being just another piece of data for Mark Zuckerberg and friends. You may find the blogger will write you back!

If you find a blog post particularly useful, then help your blogging friend out by posting a link to the blog post on your Facebook status. It’s easy, and everyone wins.

Here’s to a comment-filled 2011!

4 thoughts on “Dear Facebook Users: Comment here!”

  1. I believe there is a WordPress plugin (the name escapes me) that will sync comments posted to FB about a particular post back to the blog. I will see if I can track it down when I get home.

    DISCLAIMER: I’m also leery about putting my eggs in Zuck’s basket. I want to own my content (and comments). FB is just one of many ‘outposts’ to sync to, with the blog being your home base.

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