Same mess different tools with Liz Fraley – Content Content episode 19

Elizabeth Fraley runs Single-Sourcing Solutions in Sunnyvale, Ca. We geek out about the history of structured authoring, how her opinions have changed in 17 years of technical writing, and how many books a year are too many to read.

Mentioned in this episode:

Liz Fraley, Content Content episode 19 guest
Liz Fraley, Content Content episode 19 guest

Single Sourcing social media and public projects
TC Camp
TC Dojo
Liz’s books

Benefits of dynamic product information delivery for life sciences
Keith Schengili-Roberts
Lisa Scottoline
Michael Priestley
ACM sigdoc
Microsoft .Lit file
oXygen XML Editor
Antenna House
DITA Open Toolkit
FOP DITA rendering engine
Rob Hanna – Precision Content
STC Summit
Scott Prentice
Alan Houser
George Lakoff – Moral Politics