Scott Abel, also known as The Content Wrangler and the host of Information Development World, talks to Ed Marsh about the parallels between music and single sourcing, smooth segues between paragraphs, intelligent content, and content strategy in the medical field.
In an intense episode focused on intelligent content, Cruce Saunders of [ A ] and Ed Marsh discuss content in the enterprise and how to make it an asset in the C-suite, job titles in the content world, lightweight markup languages, and much more.
Mentioned during this episode:
Cruce Saunders of [ A ], Content Content podcast guest
Keith Schengili-Roberts, market researcher and DITA Evangelist for IXIASOFT, and Ed Marsh discuss the old days of HTML, Archie, Veronica, fax software, and more. We also talk about what the hell a DITA evangelist does.
Andrea Ames and Ed Marsh discuss the evolution of the technical communication field, the number of job titles for technical communicators, the frustrations of proving your value, and laugh a lot.Andrea Ames, Content Content podcast episode 21 guest
Andrea is the CEO of Idyll Point Group, after a long stint in content strategy and content experience strategy at IBM.
Allie Proff works for freaking Boeing. We discuss emotive analytics, technical storytelling, technology as a tool for good and bad, and a meta podcast moment.