In this episode, Heretto CEO Patrick Bosek explains why pure techcomm is going away, why being a CEO is like being an eight year old with a lemonade stand, and more.
Note: This episode was recorded before Patrick’s company changed its name to Heretto.
Alan J. Porter, Head of Strategic Services Practice at [A], talks to Ed Marsh about why tech writers are now content engineers, why metadata is important, what it’s like to document massive hardware, and more.
Alan is also an accomplished author and critic of comics, pop culture, sci-fi, and more.
Scott Abel, also known as The Content Wrangler and the host of Information Development World, talks to Ed Marsh about the parallels between music and single sourcing, smooth segues between paragraphs, intelligent content, and content strategy in the medical field.
Jack Molisani, president of ProSpring Staffing and Executive Director of The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference talks about technical communication hiring, rebranding, content strategy, and how he’s seized opportunities his entire career.