Tag Archives: social media

Presentation evolution: TCCamp East in Virginia

I’m very excited to present a workshop on jumpstarting your career at the new East Coast TC Camp next weekend, July 30th, at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. My talk focuses on what social media and podcasting can do for you and your career. Some great folks are going to be attending – and hopefully presenting – as well.

Un… conference?

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My social media presentation for STC’s NY Metro chapter

I gave my first-ever talk at the STC NY Metro chapter on Thursday, Nov. 12, about the benefits of social media for technical communicators. The audience was enthusiastic and engaged, and I think everyone learned something and had a good time (including me!).

We covered popular social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as the benefits of having your own blog and/or web site. The Content Content podcast was also a topic of discussion and more than a few questions.

I’d love to get some feedback, or answer any questions, in the comments! I’d also be happy to present it again at other chapters.