Allie Proff works for freaking Boeing. We discuss emotive analytics, technical storytelling, technology as a tool for good and bad, and a meta podcast moment.
Pawel Kowaluk, a technical writer, self-proclaimed DITA geek, and recruiter, joins us from Krakow, Poland. He talks about the rise of technical communication in Poland, starting a conference, and how to balance a team when hiring.
Note: After recording, we became aware that Pawel left the Soap! Conference team after one year. To further clarify, Pawel did not have a role in the formation of MeetContent, though he is an active member of the community. Content Content regrets any confusion or offense to those involved.
Jack Molisani, president of ProSpring Staffing and Executive Director of The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference talks about technical communication hiring, rebranding, content strategy, and how he’s seized opportunities his entire career.
Content Marketer Teresa Meek has had a varied career path in journalism, real estate, and more, but always focused on writing. She is currently based in Seattle, Washington, from where she talked about how content marketing and technical writing have similarities, her brief career in technical writing, how to transition to content marketing, and more.
Fellow New Jerseyan Danielle Villegas, the TechCommGeekMom, talks to us about transitioning into technical communication, social media, her blog at, content curation, going back to school, and managing it all (or not).