Yet Another Google Chrome Review

Quick summary: Meh.

In general: Yeah, it’s quick. That’s what you get when you have a no-frills browser. If you’re using Firefox, one of the first things you most likely did was load it up with plug-ins, adding functionality that IE or Opera don’t have. If you’re still using IE, then you are like most people who don’t install anything that’s not already on your computer, because you’re afraid of breaking your computer. You have no idea what an ‘alternative browser’ is, nor do you care. You just want your computer to work. (and this is, of course, why Linux will never take over the desktop).

Personally, I find Chrome a reference browser, best for Web developers. You can test your pages using the individual processes, and kill it when you find a bug. Then again, if you’re a Web developer, you’re already using all of these browsers to test, along with the excellent Firebug plug-in, or Web Developer toolbar.

McCain’s running mate

Palin? Really? He chooses a first-term governor from… Alaska? After all the controversy about how Obama doesn’t have enough experience, and especially after the alleged corruption in politics in that state, culminating in Sen. Ted Stevens’ indictment? Hell, the corruption in Alaska makes my home state of NJ seem like angels are in the statehouse.

EDit: also, i think she looks like Tina Fey.

Neighborhood Discoveries

Condo de Fast One is close to an Orthodox/Hasidic Jewish enclave in northern New Jersey. On (late) Sunday morning, S. and I decided to take a walk for some bagels.

We first walked to a Jewish bakery I’d seen, which smelled fantastic and warrants a future return, but yielded no bagels. Thankfully, there was a kosher bagel shop on the walk home. S. felt a bit sacreligious with her naked, sleeveless arms, and I even felt like I was out of place. However, they had whole wheat everything bagels, so we will definitely be back, despite the $1.00 per bagel price.

We also needed eggs, so we walked into a local “supermarket”. Turns out it is primarily a Spanish market, complete with Spanish-only signs in the meat department. What a treat! I picked up fresh ingredients for sofrito, including ajicito dulces peppers and tomatilloes. I wouldn’t know about sofrito if it wasn’t for Daisy; it’s a sauce easily made in the food processor, and leftovers freeze really well into individual ice cube trays. It was great mixed with some pinto beans to make refried beans to place into tortillas. We also grabbed queso fresco from the meat/deli counter, since S. is fluent in Spanish.

S. also mentioned she saw an Asian market nearby, so we now have at least three cultural food experiences within a few minutes’ walk of our new home!

Dinner – Eggplant, tofu, and tomato stacks

Ah, the joys of working from home. Getting up later. No worries about commuting, train delays, annoying people, and social interaction. Having a beer with lunch that you made, on your own, quiet deck. One (by which I mean me) could easily get accustomed to that lifestyle, but that’s another show (cue Good Eats theme).

Yesterday is also CSA day, where our CSA farmer delivers the weekly goods to the pick-up location. It was a treat for me to go (after driving by three times till i actually recognized the place) and pick out our items for the week – onions, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, fennel, sweet corn, haricots verts, and parsley – without having to worry about who’s behind me, or if they weren’t fresh.

with this newfound bounty, and a container of Trader Joe’s extra-firm tofu, i made the following:

  1. took the tofu out of the container, drained off all the water, then wrapped in paper towels and covered with a brick wrapped in aluminum foil to remove most of the liquid.
  2. In a 12″ saute pan, sauteed an onion, then added one of the peppers, cut into rounds (or as round as peppers get).
  3. Added the sliced eggplant to the pan, and cooked until brown on both sides.
  4. Note that each layer gets its own sprinkling of kosher salt and pepper.
  5. while this was happening, i sliced the two tomatoes (small-to-medium sized) into rounds, about 1/2 an inch thick.
  6. I also stuck mini fresh mozzarella balls in the freezer to harden, so they’re easier to slice.
  7. at this point, i placed some balsamic vinaigrette in a non-stick saucier to simmer and reduce to a sauce.
  8. when the onions, eggplant, and tofu were done, i removed them from the pan. i then added some corn oil to the pan, and fried the tofu on both sides.
  9. the tofu became a base for two separate stacks. i placed the biggest slices of tomato on top of the tofu, then stacked in the following order:
  10. basil leaves (from S’s garden), mozzarella, eggplant, pepper. i then repeated until everything was used up. The tomato only yielded eight slices, so there were two stacks on each plate.
  11. i then topped with the remaining tofu, and drizzled the balsamic reduction over it.

a great summer meal, which could easily be made vegan by eliminating the cheese.

for dessert, we had corn on the cob on our deck. 🙂


this is a new plugin for WordPress. Picasa rocks, and now i can link to it from here.

here’s one of my albums, for you to enjoy. or not enjoy.

[picasaView album=’New York City Photos’]

it’s amazing seeing things like WordPress, amazing how far we’ve come in just a few Web years. I started coding in, um, 1995? and i still do most of it by hand. but it’s quite refreshing to not have to worry about things, and just work on content.

or not work.

Technical Writer, Content Strategist, Podcaster, and beer lover